The Winds of Azeroth
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 79 members
320 PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Edmundo Captain Human Warrior Alliance 80 Guild master 6695 Engineering Skinning
Edmundi Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Officer 2560 Alchemy Herbalism
Event Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Officer 6510 Tailoring Jewelcrafting
Duduide Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Officer 3250 Tailoring Engineering
Furaxtra Human Warrior Alliance 80 Officer 3220 Blacksmithing Mining
Healinn Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Officer 2750 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Stabgiraz Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Officer 2150 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Skrejinna Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Officer 1480 Mining
Kitasa Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Officer 2770 Leatherworking Skinning
Pershard Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Officer 1295
Edmundos Human Rogue Alliance 80 Officer 1370 Engineering Inscription
Cleavege Human Warrior Alliance 80 Officer 830 Engineering
Ebed Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Raider 3860 Leatherworking Skinning
Tail Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Raider 1635 Herbalism Mining
Kilem Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Raider 4055 Tailoring Engineering
Bettercallme Human Rogue Alliance 80 Raider 2805 Leatherworking Skinning
Fiooraa Human Paladin Alliance 80 Raider 3115 Blacksmithing Enchanting
Mabkhota Human Priest Alliance 80 Raider 3200 Tailoring Engineering
Drainem Human Warlock Alliance 80 Raider 730 Mining Engineering
Degenero Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Member 2725 Alchemy Engineering
Ledypower Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 2455 Herbalism Tailoring
Disbelief Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 Member 4165 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Egodeus Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 2265 Blacksmithing Mining
Critorian Human Rogue Alliance 80 Member 1355 Leatherworking Skinning
Nthrcorex Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Member 3135 Leatherworking Skinning
Deorum Human Priest Alliance 80 Member 1990 Tailoring Engineering
Lethalpain Human Priest Alliance 80 Member 1265 Tailoring Enchanting
Spicar Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Member 1650 Alchemy Herbalism
Wangos Human Mage Alliance 80 Member 1200
Pinktwilight Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 3070 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Ghostexodia Human Rogue Alliance 80 Member 1965 Leatherworking Skinning
Furyossa Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1485 Jewelcrafting
Ysul Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1620 Tailoring Engineering
Astris Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Member 3310 Tailoring Jewelcrafting
Sspantoss Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 3605 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Komut Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 2770 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Defenda Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1880 Blacksmithing Engineering
Draela Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Member 5570 Herbalism Engineering
Offtheedge Dwarf Death Knight Alliance 80 Member 2225 Blacksmithing Mining
Olysea Human Priest Alliance 80 Member 1490 Mining
Nohandslolz Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 3230 Blacksmithing Mining
Tompanstaff Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 7970 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Jjango Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Member 1920 Mining Engineering
Jokecordit Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 1630 Herbalism Mining
Hsouna Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 2005 Mining Engineering
Gavvgoat Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Member 1230 Tailoring Enchanting
Tundermaff Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Member 1180 Blacksmithing Engineering
Craydenx Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 Member 1290 Blacksmithing Mining
Darkblademk Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1755 Mining Engineering
Neithery Human Rogue Alliance 80 Member 1450
Rausch Human Priest Alliance 80 Social 1720 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Jall Human Priest Alliance 80 Social 1275 Tailoring Enchanting
Flake Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Social 2365 Blacksmithing Alchemy
Pinksmicker Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Social 2300 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Zachaeus Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Social 1415 Herbalism Mining
Furynator Human Warrior Alliance 80 Social 2645 Mining Engineering
Blejdq Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Social 1605 Mining Engineering
Thehorizon Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Social 2545 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Weaverdeez Human Rogue Alliance 80 Social 1850 Tailoring Engineering
Snailenjoyer Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Social 1610 Leatherworking Jewelcrafting
Francuzik Human Paladin Alliance 80 Social 1950 Alchemy Herbalism
Rispekt Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Social 1665 Engineering
Kalandre Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Social 1335 Mining Jewelcrafting
Ninkaa Human Rogue Alliance 80 Social 1005 Mining Jewelcrafting
Deathpointer Human Warrior Alliance 80 Social 1360 Mining
Ledjendic Human Rogue Alliance 80 Social 1005
Schizynabani Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 Social 2955 Herbalism Engineering
Midmuncher Dwarf Paladin Alliance 80 Social 340 Engineering
Mxw Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Social 1260 Engineering Enchanting
Edolfhetler Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Social 520
Ayuobf Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 Social 220
Hustlebones Human Warrior Alliance 41 Social 80
Caynne Human Paladin Alliance 80 Social 330
Ravenlorrd Night Elf Druid Alliance 6 Social 0
Sofiaabg Human Rogue Alliance 16 Social 10
Holypwshield Human Priest Alliance 80 Social 1170 Herbalism Skinning
Kirchok Human Warrior Alliance 80 Social 635 Mining Engineering
Diseath Human Mage Alliance 80 Social 885
Sotwisted Human Priest Alliance 80 Social 875 Tailoring Engineering