Koralon the Flame Watcher
10 man
3 Points
Rank 50+
Achievements Completed
 Koralon the Flame Watcher (10 player)


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Rageissues Zenith Alliance 80 Human Warrior Arms 2080
Daelas F O B O S Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 3605
Joaope F O B O S Alliance 80 Human Priest Discipline 2655
Osvaid F O B O S Alliance 80 Gnome Rogue Combat 1905
Shry F O B O S Alliance 80 Draenei Paladin Retribution 4045
Devildante F O B O S Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 1825
Buneary F O B O S Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman Enhancement 2565
Antarcholy F O B O S Alliance 80 Human Paladin Protection 2450
Tocamela Alliance 80 Dwarf Paladin Protection 1175
Coseu F O B O S Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 3980