Professor Putricide
25 man
5 Points
Rank 50+
Achievements Completed
 The Plagueworks (25 player)
 The Ashen Verdict


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Kungbult Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Feral Combat 1890
Favriel Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 1845
Omgudvill Foe Alliance 80 Human Priest Shadow 2160
Braler Foe Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 2005
Grandest Foe Alliance 80 Human Warlock Affliction 1620
Sweetypiie Snusbolaget Alliance 80 Human Mage 2455
Dyssnats Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 3065
Orcqsucks Foe Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman Elemental 1035
Iidl Foe Alliance 80 Human Paladin Holy 1270
Theolock Foe Alliance 80 Human Warlock Demonology 845
Rabarbersvaj Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 1915
Dkbuttz Foe Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Blood 1615
Gullephjun Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Feral Combat 1300
Dernia Alliance 80 Draenei Hunter Marksmanship 1340
Itsyehippo Foe Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 1880
Daveyjonezz Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Restoration 3540
Beryi Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 2070
Drokez Foe Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Frost 1980
Hassouna Foe Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 1880
Kaffemedkaka Foe Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 1800
Yodullah Foe Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 3070
Jeennyytwo Foe Alliance 80 Gnome Rogue Assassination 780
Twohandgrip Foe Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 2590
Magp Foe Alliance 80 Human Mage 3490
Swanpriest Foe Alliance 80 Night Elf Priest Discipline 1500