Northrend Beasts
10 man , Heroic
5 Points
Rank 17


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Lethar Moonka Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Retribution 4825
Urlandi Eon Horde 80 Tauren Druid Feral Combat 8410
Auuwham The Social Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Frost 1805
Voohk The Social Horde 80 Tauren Druid Balance 4140
Aphroditea The Social Horde 80 Blood Elf Priest Discipline 4560
Shanot The Social Horde 80 Blood Elf Mage 4840
Soyna The Social Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Protection 2755
Onlytechies The Social Horde 80 Orc Rogue Combat 1640
Ojargigarg The Social Horde 80 Orc Warrior Fury 3480
Clast The Social Horde 80 Tauren Shaman 1920