Alliance 3v3 Team, Blackrock

Match History

Match ID Opponent Opponent Realm Outcome Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29715105 Tlaclavamos Icecrown Victory 48 (+48) June 22 11:28am 35 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29715157 Tlaclavamos Icecrown Victory 96 (+48) June 22 11:32am 50 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29715221 Tlaclavamos Icecrown Victory 144 (+48) June 22 11:37am 51 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29715278 Tlaclavamos Icecrown Victory 192 (+48) June 22 11:40am 51 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29715439 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 240 (+48) June 22 11:51am 34 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29715491 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 288 (+48) June 22 11:54am 46 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29715567 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 336 (+48) June 22 11:58am 45 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29715596 REIS DO BEACH TENIS MEO Icecrown Loss 336 (0) June 22 11:59am 55 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29715661 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 384 (+48) June 22 12:03pm 31 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29715680 REIS DO BEACH TENIS MEO Icecrown Loss 384 (0) June 22 12:04pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29715737 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 432 (+48) June 22 12:07pm 34 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29715782 XylomaCZ Icecrown Victory 480 (+48) June 22 12:10pm 32 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details