Crusaders of the Cat
Alliance Guild, Lordaeron, 18 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Pixpockets Captain Gnome Rogue Alliance 44 Guild Master 490 Mining Engineering
Vinorik Human Warlock Alliance 14 Officer 30 Tailoring Enchanting
Surplus Human Warrior Alliance 43 Member 280 Blacksmithing Mining
Catton Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Member 5575 Blacksmithing Herbalism
Myrz Human Priest Alliance 80 Member 2285 Alchemy Herbalism
Dungeonlord Gnome Warlock Alliance 61 Member 370 Tailoring Enchanting
Nargacuga Night Elf Druid Alliance 69 Member 530 Alchemy Herbalism
Alisia Night Elf Hunter Alliance 34 Member 250 Leatherworking Skinning
Aurrellia Human Warrior Alliance 28 Member 190 Blacksmithing Mining
Cascasan Human Warrior Alliance 35 Member 350 Blacksmithing Mining
Algrir Dwarf Priest Alliance 80 Member 1100
Bulldo Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Member 1000 Engineering
Hartreefock Human Warrior Alliance 58 Member 550 Alchemy Herbalism
Flex Human Paladin Alliance 9 Member 0 Mining
Krixi Draenei Hunter Alliance 71 Friend 850 Skinning Jewelcrafting
Jochen Human Priest Alliance 41 Friend 250
Freyka Human Rogue Alliance 42 Friend 280
Fliffy Gnome Mage Alliance 76 Friend 650 Alchemy Herbalism