Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 9 members
12 PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Vergil Captain Human Rogue Alliance 80 Guild Master 1785 Alchemy Skinning
Byakuya Human Warrior Alliance 80 Deceptive 3010 Herbalism Engineering
Erwin Human Warrior Alliance 80 Deceptive 1030
Anahita Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Deceptive 710 Alchemy Herbalism
Sasukke Human Paladin Alliance 80 Deceptive 1070
Sukuna Human Death Knight Alliance 80 King of Cruse 4250 Herbalism Engineering
Jiraya Human Mage Alliance 80 King of Cruse 460
Ryuk Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Member 3070 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Geodorex Human Warlock Alliance 80 Initiate 1015 Alchemy Inscription