Fight CIub
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 16 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Stellidisc Captain Human Priest Alliance 80 Guild Master 5985 Alchemy Herbalism
Slimshadyx Human Warrior Alliance 80 Marte 8440 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Hugdeath Human Priest Alliance 80 Marte 2080 Tailoring Enchanting
Victoriajune Human Rogue Alliance 80 Marte 3380 Leatherworking Engineering
Mydoll Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Marte 2850 Inscription
Slimdurex Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Marte 905
Stelliix Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Marte 4890 Tailoring Enchanting
Stelli Human Warrior Alliance 54 Marte 150
Rosekristina Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 4490 Herbalism Mining
Icekristina Human Mage Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 430 Tailoring
Snakelady Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 540 Blacksmithing Mining
Pornlady Human Warlock Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 1175 Tailoring
Stellimage Human Mage Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 4420 Tailoring Enchanting
Trukait Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Sap and bezi 840 Alchemy Herbalism
Pornwife Human Warrior Alliance 70 Sap and bezi 210
Frizerx Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Member 1590