Icecrown Riders
Horde Guild, Lordaeron, 16 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Doctohr Captain Undead Priest Horde 80 Lord Commander 2050 Tailoring Engineering
Hanumanman Blood Elf Paladin Horde 39 Vice Lord 120
Elliette Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Third Rider 2835 Blacksmithing Mining
Gulken Tauren Druid Horde 80 The Harbinger 2960 Alchemy Herbalism
Montem Tauren Death Knight Horde 73 The Harbinger 625 Mining Jewelcrafting
Stonedagger Troll Rogue Horde 80 The Scout 790 Leatherworking Skinning
Blooddeath Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 80 The Scout 2770 Herbalism Mining
Frynda Orc Warrior Horde 80 The Scout 7440 Alchemy Herbalism
Bloodyraider Tauren Death Knight Horde 80 The Scout 2215 Engineering Enchanting
Darrcky Troll Priest Horde 80 The Scout 1735 Mining Jewelcrafting
Mossens Blood Elf Rogue Horde 80 The Scout 2625 Mining Jewelcrafting
Sugimoto Orc Death Knight Horde 80 The Scout 1340 Blacksmithing Engineering
Madhunterr Troll Hunter Horde 80 The Scout 1180
Ifearu Undead Warlock Horde 80 The Scout 1140 Tailoring Enchanting
Waimera Blood Elf Warlock Horde 25 The Scout 90 Alchemy Herbalism
Shamandur Orc Shaman Horde 31 The Scout 160 Tailoring Enchanting