Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 92 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Annodomini Captain Human Paladin Alliance 80 Guild Master 1975 Mining Engineering
Tred Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Officer 3905 Blacksmithing Mining
Kennee Human Rogue Alliance 80 Social Officer 1570 Enchanting Skinning
Morfire Human Mage Alliance 80 Social Officer 665 Mining Skinning
Endersdeath Human Death Knight Alliance 69 Social Officer 150
Wrombow Human Warrior Alliance 80 Living Good 610 Blacksmithing Mining
Zoobe Human Warrior Alliance 80 The Goodlife 2245 Blacksmithing Mining
Tynello Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1870
Fylith Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Goodlife 2680 Tailoring Enchanting
Moshishi Night Elf Druid Alliance 76 The Goodlife 250 Leatherworking Skinning
Herzhel Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1410 Tailoring Enchanting
Guaroman Human Warrior Alliance 80 The Goodlife 380 Blacksmithing Mining
Diagon Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1350
Scourgelady Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 The Goodlife 2255 Mining Engineering
Raduta Human Warlock Alliance 80 The Goodlife 745 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Bigesmoke Human Warlock Alliance 69 The Goodlife 290 Tailoring
Kentheal Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Goodlife 360
Neverbite Human Priest Alliance 80 The Goodlife 4545 Tailoring Enchanting
Iddrill Draenei Mage Alliance 80 The Goodlife 470 Blacksmithing Tailoring
Nguoiviet Human Warlock Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1920 Tailoring Engineering
Zabraxax Night Elf Warrior Alliance 69 The Goodlife 210
Mareo Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1100 Alchemy Herbalism
Minestroni Draenei Shaman Alliance 72 The Goodlife 320 Tailoring Enchanting
Kinu Gnome Mage Alliance 80 The Goodlife 500 Tailoring Skinning
Mitsunari Draenei Shaman Alliance 70 The Goodlife 140
Knejikitsune Human Warrior Alliance 80 The Goodlife 470 Blacksmithing Mining
Garrablamka Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1545 Mining Engineering
Fedmanh Night Elf Hunter Alliance 73 The Goodlife 260
Fafnher Draenei Shaman Alliance 66 The Goodlife 210 Mining Jewelcrafting
Caroess Human Mage Alliance 51 The Goodlife 180 Herbalism Mining
Sibidi Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1140 Blacksmithing Mining
Othari Draenei Priest Alliance 80 The Goodlife 1165 Tailoring Enchanting
Frosnu Human Paladin Alliance 51 The Goodlife 150 Blacksmithing Mining
Stianas Human Warrior Alliance 73 The Goodlife 330 Blacksmithing Enchanting
Dewhope Draenei Paladin Alliance 73 The Goodlife 270 Herbalism Mining
Dennydood Night Elf Priest Alliance 72 The Goodlife 210
Meruhem Human Priest Alliance 26 The Goodlife 60
Dewdeath Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 76 The Goodlife 190
Ereifran Human Warlock Alliance 25 The Goodlife 60 Alchemy Herbalism
Lekkeer Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 The Goodlife 430 Blacksmithing
Hexxecutiona Human Warlock Alliance 57 The Goodlife 330 Alchemy Herbalism
Bbont Human Priest Alliance 80 The Goodlife 460 Tailoring
Sigmajuhani Human Rogue Alliance 66 The Goodlife 730 Mining Engineering
Shtawensky Night Elf Rogue Alliance 37 The Goodlife 140 Alchemy Herbalism
Asanako Night Elf Hunter Alliance 68 The Goodlife 210
Malganar Dwarf Hunter Alliance 68 The Goodlife 190 Mining Engineering
Gorewar Human Warrior Alliance 79 The Goodlife 340 Mining Engineering
Dagba Human Rogue Alliance 71 The Goodlife 200 Leatherworking Skinning
Eutecuro Human Paladin Alliance 56 The Goodlife 180
Girevin Draenei Shaman Alliance 64 The Goodlife 170
Hammerchick Human Paladin Alliance 71 The Goodlife 260 Mining Engineering
Maigol Human Mage Alliance 80 The Goodlife 200 Mining Jewelcrafting
Briyanx Human Mage Alliance 23 The Goodlife 50 Tailoring
Starbloomm Night Elf Druid Alliance 22 The Goodlife 50
Tomblerone Human Warlock Alliance 76 The Goodlife 230 Skinning
Kynasin Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 The Goodlife 390 Herbalism
Nachoflorida Human Priest Alliance 77 The Goodlife 430 Mining
Dklisa Human Death Knight Alliance 72 The Goodlife 190
Kidneyblower Gnome Rogue Alliance 63 The Goodlife 220 Engineering
Kraving Night Elf Hunter Alliance 63 The Goodlife 160 Mining Engineering
Matonblade Human Death Knight Alliance 64 The Goodlife 330 Mining Skinning
Erkaki Gnome Mage Alliance 80 The Goodlife 140
Idooh Human Paladin Alliance 59 The Goodlife 170
Aronya Night Elf Hunter Alliance 56 The Goodlife 190 Leatherworking Alchemy
Hiimme Night Elf Druid Alliance 69 The Goodlife 250
Bariky Human Death Knight Alliance 73 The Goodlife 170
Dueim Human Paladin Alliance 43 The Goodlife 70
Valfrik Human Paladin Alliance 27 The Goodlife 60
Scuby Human Warlock Alliance 70 The Goodlife 230 Enchanting
Amilddamaro Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Goodlife 380
Iceyufire Human Mage Alliance 80 The Goodlife 230
Shopii Draenei Death Knight Alliance 64 The Goodlife 140 Tailoring
Maferr Draenei Mage Alliance 23 The Goodlife 30
Ssilviasaint Draenei Shaman Alliance 50 The Goodlife 150 Alchemy Herbalism
Pigger Gnome Mage Alliance 56 The Goodlife 160 Tailoring Enchanting
Encantadors Gnome Mage Alliance 67 The Goodlife 130
Toraam Dwarf Warrior Alliance 80 The Goodlife 360 Alchemy Herbalism
Byobz Human Paladin Alliance 80 The Goodlife 380 Tailoring Enchanting
Elvisgratton Human Mage Alliance 33 The Goodlife 80 Tailoring Skinning
Zorrifera Gnome Warrior Alliance 69 The Goodlife 180 Blacksmithing Mining
Cranston Human Paladin Alliance 28 The Goodlife 120 Mining Skinning
Ratijr Draenei Mage Alliance 53 The Goodlife 130 Mining Jewelcrafting
Fidita Draenei Hunter Alliance 53 The Goodlife 120 Leatherworking Skinning
Yungballin Human Mage Alliance 74 The Goodlife 310 Herbalism Mining
Naturalbro Night Elf Druid Alliance 77 The Goodlife 160 Tailoring
Koreion Human Rogue Alliance 76 The Goodlife 250
Hamilcho Dwarf Paladin Alliance 26 The Goodlife 30
Zvonko Gnome Mage Alliance 30 The Goodlife 80 Tailoring Engineering
Frostrend Human Mage Alliance 26 The Goodlife 40 Tailoring
Dolfinho Draenei Shaman Alliance 29 The Goodlife 40
Marblack Night Elf Priest Alliance 29 The Goodlife 80 Tailoring Enchanting
Lunallena Night Elf Hunter Alliance 20 The Goodlife 20 Mining Engineering