The Drunk and Disorderly
Horde Guild, Icecrown, 95 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Markabrah Captain Troll Hunter Horde 80 Drunken Master 1825 Enchanting Skinning
Crytech Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 1785 Blacksmithing Mining
Gruube Undead Mage Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 670 Alchemy Herbalism
Babymoose Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 1190 Leatherworking Skinning
Rngeezus Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 845 Tailoring Enchanting
Tatankah Tauren Warrior Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 1525 Mining Skinning
Eviscerape Orc Rogue Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 745 Engineering
Jerlock Orc Warlock Horde 23 Drunk Uncle 60 Herbalism Mining
Jerpally Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 510 Mining Skinning
Mamabluue Blood Elf Mage Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 2570 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Papabluue Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Uncle 2420 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Macsauce Blood Elf Hunter Horde 69 Drunk Uncle 210
Seventyret Blood Elf Paladin Horde 77 Chuggernaught 905 Blacksmithing Engineering
Weetodd Undead Warlock Horde 80 Chuggernaught 600 Alchemy Inscription
Warkisha Tauren Warrior Horde 80 Chuggernaught 1870 Mining Jewelcrafting
Paleman Tauren Warrior Horde 80 Chuggernaught 1280
Corralessx Troll Mage Horde 80 Chuggernaught 210
Bodhie Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Chuggernaught 890 Mining Engineering
Akumashura Orc Rogue Horde 54 Chuggernaught 210 Leatherworking Skinning
Bigdaddyy Troll Warrior Horde 80 Chuggernaught 750 Mining
Healzaway Tauren Druid Horde 80 Bartender 2380 Herbalism Jewelcrafting
Tempoo Blood Elf Priest Horde 80 Bartender 2430 Engineering Enchanting
Righteousdab Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Bartender 910
Bringar Blood Elf Mage Horde 80 Bartender 410 Tailoring Enchanting
Regiseid Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 3300 Alchemy Herbalism
Kyletta Blood Elf Priest Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 3375 Tailoring Enchanting
Mazhok Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 2180 Alchemy Herbalism
Milonce Troll Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 1650 Mining Engineering
Deathlynips Undead Priest Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 400 Tailoring Enchanting
Balonis Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 1160
Raeftyr Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 645 Blacksmithing Mining
Aprol Orc Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 360 Mining Jewelcrafting
Pwnxqt Undead Priest Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 2390 Mining Engineering
Donutlube Blood Elf Mage Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 1150
Saintpit Troll Priest Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 1345 Tailoring
Eldereth Blood Elf Warlock Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 330
Healpopz Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 1060 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Milkyduds Tauren Hunter Horde 69 Drunk Stepdad 310 Mining Engineering
Racistcow Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 550 Herbalism Mining
Cecillish Undead Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 975 Engineering
Mokadruid Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 405 Tailoring
Quplaguk Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 450
Kesra Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 380
Hoedinii Blood Elf Mage Horde 16 Drunk Stepdad 50 Tailoring Enchanting
Ryhmdgobbe Blood Elf Paladin Horde 40 Drunk Stepdad 120
Pypdream Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 380 Leatherworking Tailoring
Trundlebean Troll Hunter Horde 74 Drunk Stepdad 200 Mining
Iamlavitz Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Stepdad 730 Herbalism Skinning
Lehmoan Blood Elf Paladin Horde 79 Drunk Stepdad 350 Mining Jewelcrafting
Slashmorph Orc Warrior Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 3705 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Praxqt Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 4315 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Buszing Orc Rogue Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1420 Mining Tailoring
Catalin Tauren Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 850 Leatherworking Skinning
Joebidinium Troll Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 740 Mining Jewelcrafting
Genghiskhan Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1310 Mining Skinning
Vioz Blood Elf Paladin Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 2275 Engineering
Maku Orc Hunter Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1305 Leatherworking Skinning
Darkrayz Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1600 Tailoring Engineering
Weaversfate Undead Rogue Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1210 Engineering
Ignoshow Undead Mage Horde 64 Drunk Nephew 230 Tailoring Enchanting
Shamanino Troll Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 780 Alchemy Herbalism
Groudeen Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 540
Restorocker Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1000 Alchemy Enchanting
Boozoh Undead Mage Horde 8 Drunk Nephew 0
Forthecross Blood Elf Priest Horde 60 Drunk Nephew 200 Tailoring
Zaryianna Blood Elf Priest Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 960 Mining Jewelcrafting
Kalgos Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1335 Tailoring Enchanting
Dakishimetai Blood Elf Priest Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 320 Tailoring
Raasghakhull Orc Shaman Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 815
Grazuole Troll Mage Horde 57 Drunk Nephew 190 Alchemy Herbalism
Rzukqu Blood Elf Hunter Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 515
Jeredruid Tauren Druid Horde 29 Drunk Nephew 120 Mining Skinning
Brodhie Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 74 Drunk Nephew 240 Skinning
Eltoroquerie Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 1425
Dedmordy Troll Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 745 Blacksmithing Mining
Gankrush Undead Death Knight Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 875 Blacksmithing Engineering
Biralii Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 665 Leatherworking Skinning
Waxouille Tauren Druid Horde 55 Drunk Nephew 150 Leatherworking
Jigsawkiller Undead Mage Horde 45 Drunk Nephew 120 Tailoring Enchanting
Vbenich Blood Elf Hunter Horde 28 Drunk Nephew 60 Blacksmithing Skinning
Ajes Troll Shaman Horde 22 Drunk Nephew 30
Iamglot Troll Rogue Horde 16 Drunk Nephew 20
Rodlee Undead Rogue Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 480 Mining Engineering
Dendorelan Blood Elf Paladin Horde 43 Drunk Nephew 120 Mining Engineering
Fernain Tauren Druid Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 740 Herbalism
Elfumatronco Blood Elf Mage Horde 71 Drunk Nephew 270 Alchemy Herbalism
Ddlatte Orc Warlock Horde 15 Drunk Nephew 20 Mining Engineering
Wiglegend Troll Shaman Horde 10 Drunk Nephew 20
Crittytitty Blood Elf Paladin Horde 16 Drunk Nephew 70 Mining Engineering
Untamedorc Orc Warrior Horde 76 Drunk Nephew 230
Nighest Blood Elf Rogue Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 330
Nukeu Blood Elf Mage Horde 48 Drunk Nephew 110
Quaelana Blood Elf Hunter Horde 79 Drunk Nephew 360 Leatherworking Skinning
Freebowjobz Troll Hunter Horde 80 Drunk Nephew 580 Leatherworking Skinning
Negal Orc Rogue Horde 75 Drunk Nephew 380 Mining Skinning