The Syndicate of Gloom
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 90 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Vviki Captain Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Guild Master 1785 Mining Jewelcrafting
Rosiiy Draenei Mage Alliance 26 Officer 50
Allicee Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Officer 310 Mining
Tuzpaladin Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1295 Alchemy Mining
Portaldealer Gnome Mage Alliance 75 Member 270
Shadowhottie Night Elf Rogue Alliance 24 Member 90
Nitrobow Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Member 290 Herbalism Skinning
Nengo Human Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 2420 Mining Enchanting
Tempdruid Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 515 Herbalism Mining
Trysmiling Human Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 570 Tailoring
Mikaelisuss Human Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 860 Tailoring
Quwe Human Warrior Alliance 80 Initiate 190
Blondinette Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 810 Blacksmithing Mining
Kayse Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 1620 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Bravedragon Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1415 Mining Enchanting
Nastumii Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 1040 Tailoring Enchanting
Depheis Human Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 1920
Defilerer Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Initiate 1530 Leatherworking Skinning
Anthalon Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 980 Tailoring Enchanting
Grofsalazar Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1280 Blacksmithing Mining
Beyondgods Human Warrior Alliance 80 Initiate 1430 Alchemy Mining
Meggi Human Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 1335
Cikinero Human Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 340 Blacksmithing Leatherworking
Supernenechi Human Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 460 Skinning
Karilu Human Warrior Alliance 80 Initiate 345
Quietlyy Human Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 1000 Mining Engineering
Squidsalad Draenei Shaman Alliance 47 Initiate 80 Mining
Desolino Human Warlock Alliance 80 Initiate 720 Alchemy Herbalism
Aanny Draenei Paladin Alliance 29 Initiate 80
Jjanne Night Elf Warrior Alliance 10 Initiate 10
Steelbubble Human Warrior Alliance 75 Initiate 230 Mining
Valinteena Night Elf Hunter Alliance 65 Initiate 190 Blacksmithing Leatherworking
Batotona Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 880 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Liyliy Human Mage Alliance 38 Initiate 90
Limbox Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 725 Mining Engineering
Demonmama Night Elf Priest Alliance 56 Initiate 160
Dibufc Human Paladin Alliance 63 Initiate 220 Herbalism Mining
Hjalmar Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 870
Afandaa Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 250
Noud Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 1685 Tailoring Engineering
Kayseloria Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 320 Mining Jewelcrafting
Johnnarius Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 920 Herbalism Mining
Brost Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1705 Mining Jewelcrafting
Pmasters Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1225 Mining Jewelcrafting
Celavijebac Human Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 510
Jakubslayer Human Warrior Alliance 11 Initiate 10 Blacksmithing Mining
Kamiz Human Rogue Alliance 60 Initiate 170
Amanishio Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 440
Jokerzmyth Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 780 Alchemy Herbalism
Thifall Draenei Shaman Alliance 62 Initiate 270 Herbalism Inscription
Briskk Human Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 190
Apatinac Night Elf Hunter Alliance 34 Initiate 90 Mining Skinning
Rolop Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 320
Ansuuh Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1265 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Liquidnb Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 585 Mining Enchanting
Bailion Human Paladin Alliance 41 Initiate 100 Mining Enchanting
Shujomaster Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 1340 Mining Engineering
Mendossa Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 800
Apoconquest Human Paladin Alliance 61 Initiate 180
Pootito Gnome Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 905 Mining Engineering
Antonan Human Warlock Alliance 80 Initiate 480 Herbalism Inscription
Sandeia Draenei Hunter Alliance 65 Initiate 200 Mining Engineering
Eddenna Night Elf Rogue Alliance 69 Initiate 230 Engineering
Hujaksh Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 450 Engineering
Genkfort Human Paladin Alliance 36 Initiate 70
Wardriel Human Paladin Alliance 60 Initiate 150
Utherlb Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 380
Tikdown Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 550 Mining Jewelcrafting
Citraa Night Elf Hunter Alliance 76 Initiate 290 Mining
Arol Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1405 Alchemy Herbalism
Palera Night Elf Rogue Alliance 74 Initiate 250
Sitiana Human Priest Alliance 75 Initiate 280 Blacksmithing Mining
Llafar Night Elf Druid Alliance 69 Initiate 190 Mining Jewelcrafting
Iinvoker Human Warlock Alliance 49 Initiate 100 Herbalism Mining
Rigotniydjo Human Rogue Alliance 43 Initiate 100 Mining Engineering
Baya Human Mage Alliance 54 Initiate 170
Blowithard Human Warlock Alliance 71 Initiate 160
Chevallaz Human Paladin Alliance 18 Initiate 20
Vatomouro Night Elf Druid Alliance 77 Initiate 320 Tailoring Enchanting
Stolke Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 440 Engineering
Bilbou Dwarf Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 810 Tailoring Engineering
Ergon Night Elf Rogue Alliance 50 Initiate 210 Leatherworking Skinning
Bryte Human Warlock Alliance 57 Initiate 180 Tailoring
Thenaery Gnome Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 440 Leatherworking Skinning
Linzey Draenei Warrior Alliance 69 Initiate 190
Bubblebabe Human Priest Alliance 58 Initiate 200 Mining Engineering
Cauder Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 470 Mining Jewelcrafting
Yasmira Gnome Mage Alliance 40 Initiate 100 Tailoring Enchanting
Ulquirra Human Warrior Alliance 20 Initiate 30 Mining
Layria Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 300 Tailoring Engineering