We bring da chill
Alliance Guild, Onyxia, 106 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Professions
Holythc Captain Dwarf Priest Alliance 70 Guild Master Tailoring Enchanting
Syke Human Paladin Alliance 70 Lords of Order Mining Skinning
Simira Gnome Mage Alliance 60 Lords of Order Mining Enchanting
Sickologyy Gnome Mage Alliance 60 Lords of Order Tailoring Enchanting
Feudal Human Mage Alliance 60 Lords of Order Tailoring Enchanting
Thcblazeit Human Paladin Alliance 70 Lords of Order Blacksmithing
Kashmirz Human Paladin Alliance 61 Lords of Order Alchemy Herbalism
Secretmago Human Mage Alliance 62 Lords of Order Tailoring
Visceral Human Rogue Alliance 60 Lords of Order Leatherworking Skinning
Aoeplz Gnome Mage Alliance 62 Lords of Order Tailoring Enchanting
Weedfarming Human Mage Alliance 70 Lords of Order
Majstorica Human Mage Alliance 60 Lords of Order Alchemy Herbalism
Creck Gnome Mage Alliance 70 Lords of Order
Amigdala Night Elf Hunter Alliance 70 Lords of Order Leatherworking Skinning
Hillium Human Priest Alliance 60 Lords of Order Jewelcrafting
Ubleedout Human Rogue Alliance 49 Lords of Order Leatherworking Skinning
Rufusdusol Dwarf Warrior Alliance 64 PeaceMaker Mining Jewelcrafting
Lampy Human Mage Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Tailoring
Berontas Human Paladin Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Mining Skinning
Freezinfury Gnome Mage Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Tailoring Enchanting
Pezonza Gnome Warrior Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Blacksmithing Alchemy
Naturhasse Night Elf Druid Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Leatherworking Skinning
Arandil Human Paladin Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Blacksmithing Mining
Aldris Human Paladin Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Blacksmithing Engineering
Cleggane Human Warrior Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Blacksmithing Mining
Zecapaladino Human Paladin Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Mining Jewelcrafting
Shhmokey Human Rogue Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Leatherworking Skinning
Koncao Human Mage Alliance 58 PeaceMaker Mining Skinning
Boogieman Human Warlock Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Herbalism Mining
Daisie Human Priest Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Leatherworking Tailoring
Vahj Human Warlock Alliance 60 PeaceMaker Tailoring Enchanting
Dalgarae Gnome Warlock Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Engineering
Videline Draenei Hunter Alliance 70 PeaceMaker
Skallemann Gnome Mage Alliance 66 PeaceMaker Enchanting
Tsukionna Night Elf Hunter Alliance 61 PeaceMaker Mining Engineering
Joocer Night Elf Druid Alliance 53 PeaceMaker Mining Engineering
Hornybeast Draenei Shaman Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Mining Jewelcrafting
Hornytrap Draenei Hunter Alliance 70 PeaceMaker Leatherworking Skinning
Stabartist Human Rogue Alliance 70 MaxChill Skinning
Saynt Human Warrior Alliance 60 MaxChill Mining Skinning
Whiteangel Night Elf Druid Alliance 58 MaxChill Herbalism
Araklius Dwarf Warrior Alliance 63 MaxChill Mining Engineering
Walksinash Night Elf Hunter Alliance 62 MaxChill Mining Skinning
Bushwhack Night Elf Druid Alliance 60 MaxChill Mining
Guineapigx Dwarf Priest Alliance 60 MaxChill Tailoring Enchanting
Horacijus Night Elf Hunter Alliance 60 MaxChill Leatherworking Skinning
Globalhawk Dwarf Paladin Alliance 60 MaxChill Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Hashiramah Human Rogue Alliance 60 MaxChill Mining Engineering
Stigmatichka Night Elf Druid Alliance 2 MaxChill
Nekotamo Human Warrior Alliance 45 MaxChill Alchemy Herbalism
Recoilz Night Elf Hunter Alliance 60 MaxChill Mining
Bealish Gnome Warlock Alliance 60 MaxChill Tailoring
Chopin Human Paladin Alliance 60 MaxChill Mining
Mageslaw Gnome Mage Alliance 54 MaxChill
Rocksmashguy Human Mage Alliance 60 MaxChill
Malraan Draenei Paladin Alliance 68 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Focusmocus Human Mage Alliance 60 MaxChill
Audio Human Warrior Alliance 60 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Vuletron Human Paladin Alliance 61 MaxChill Blacksmithing Enchanting
Hlibeuse Human Rogue Alliance 60 MaxChill Leatherworking Skinning
Mogghlin Dwarf Hunter Alliance 48 MaxChill
Boomski Gnome Warrior Alliance 33 MaxChill
Wheresfrank Dwarf Warrior Alliance 70 MaxChill Mining Skinning
Jainasniper Night Elf Hunter Alliance 70 MaxChill Leatherworking Skinning
Chicory Human Warrior Alliance 38 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Firepimp Human Mage Alliance 57 MaxChill Tailoring Skinning
Aury Night Elf Hunter Alliance 43 MaxChill Leatherworking Skinning
Java Human Rogue Alliance 70 MaxChill Mining Engineering
Polymarket Draenei Shaman Alliance 24 MaxChill Herbalism
Nirleen Night Elf Hunter Alliance 66 MaxChill Mining Skinning
Piltus Dwarf Priest Alliance 62 MaxChill Tailoring
Angelexia Human Paladin Alliance 25 MaxChill Mining
Hazorett Human Paladin Alliance 39 MaxChill
Indigoose Draenei Shaman Alliance 52 MaxChill Alchemy Herbalism
Magicoola Draenei Mage Alliance 61 MaxChill Tailoring Enchanting
Tsukirakari Night Elf Druid Alliance 63 MaxChill Alchemy Herbalism
Ochaman Human Paladin Alliance 43 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Thatwarrior Night Elf Warrior Alliance 61 MaxChill Mining Skinning
Loffy Human Warlock Alliance 51 MaxChill
Holybewbies Human Paladin Alliance 46 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Balphezar Night Elf Warrior Alliance 41 MaxChill Blacksmithing Mining
Morindsi Night Elf Druid Alliance 58 MaxChill Alchemy Herbalism
Naughtypally Draenei Paladin Alliance 66 MaxChill Mining Jewelcrafting
Iambless Human Paladin Alliance 60 New and Sober Herbalism Mining
Chengtt Human Paladin Alliance 42 New and Sober Mining
Shawkandawe Human Paladin Alliance 39 New and Sober
Agoar Human Warrior Alliance 31 New and Sober
Manuto Dwarf Rogue Alliance 37 New and Sober
Skrillez Human Warrior Alliance 34 New and Sober
Beasteh Night Elf Druid Alliance 60 New and Sober Herbalism Enchanting
Mangled Night Elf Druid Alliance 20 New and Sober
Mackase Dwarf Hunter Alliance 32 New and Sober Mining Skinning
Jammon Human Mage Alliance 12 New and Sober
Overloaded Draenei Shaman Alliance 38 New and Sober
Asuun Draenei Shaman Alliance 17 New and Sober Herbalism Skinning
Fatl Human Rogue Alliance 41 New and Sober Mining Skinning
Astralnova Human Priest Alliance 8 New and Sober
Alidor Night Elf Warrior Alliance 58 New and Sober
Kellreh Gnome Mage Alliance 17 New and Sober Tailoring Enchanting
Damnusia Human Warrior Alliance 28 New and Sober Blacksmithing Mining
Vagrantveil Night Elf Druid Alliance 18 New and Sober Leatherworking Skinning
Ilsllellxll Human Priest Alliance 22 New and Sober
Geneviva Human Paladin Alliance 67 New and Sober Herbalism Mining
Tinynova Gnome Mage Alliance 60 New and Sober Tailoring Enchanting
Vefa Gnome Warlock Alliance 70 New and Sober Tailoring Enchanting
Highladin Draenei Paladin Alliance 70 New and Sober Mining Jewelcrafting