Wizards in Winter
Alliance Guild, Onyxia, 25 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Professions
Wreqalicious Captain Draenei Shaman Alliance 70 Saucey Sorcerer Mining Jewelcrafting
Masofist Human Warrior Alliance 60 Wizard of War Mining Engineering
Gokh Human Mage Alliance 40 Wizard of War Tailoring Enchanting
Wreqq Human Warlock Alliance 60 Wizard of War Tailoring
Teyah Human Rogue Alliance 70 Wizard of War Alchemy Herbalism
Tyola Night Elf Hunter Alliance 40 Wizard of War
Chaelin Human Priest Alliance 70 Wizard of War Alchemy Herbalism
Micca Human Mage Alliance 20 Wizard of War Tailoring
Bunnyaggro Human Priest Alliance 39 Wizard of War
Dypex Human Warrior Alliance 70 Wizard of War Blacksmithing Mining
Beccaangel Human Priest Alliance 70 Wizard of War Tailoring
Bunsbunny Gnome Mage Alliance 62 Wizard of War Tailoring Enchanting
Chaerin Night Elf Druid Alliance 62 Winter Wizard Herbalism Mining
Sadissed Gnome Warlock Alliance 36 Winter Wizard
Pumpington Dwarf Rogue Alliance 60 Winter Wizard Alchemy Herbalism
Dannyftwlol Night Elf Hunter Alliance 70 Winter Wizard Leatherworking Skinning
Beccaangels Human Mage Alliance 70 Winter Wizard Skinning
Masoslave Gnome Rogue Alliance 2 Acolyte
Sxi Gnome Mage Alliance 50 Acolyte Enchanting
Azuala Draenei Shaman Alliance 29 Acolyte Alchemy Herbalism
Xgaveittoya Draenei Shaman Alliance 70 Acolyte
Chaebae Gnome Mage Alliance 12 Acolyte Mining Jewelcrafting
Ghok Night Elf Druid Alliance 70 Acolyte Alchemy Herbalism
Esaviour Draenei Priest Alliance 43 Acolyte Leatherworking
Wynterwyrven Draenei Hunter Alliance 19 Acolyte Leatherworking Skinning