brb gonna mdps my wife
Horde Guild, Lordaeron, 21 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Soya Captain Blood Elf Priest Horde 80 Guild Master 1960 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Dragonblyat Undead Warlock Horde 63 with iron belt 310
Vimsetpaste Undead Priest Horde 24 with iron belt 120 Tailoring Skinning
Joeanne Blood Elf Warlock Horde 64 with iron belt 560 Tailoring Enchanting
Pennywisexd Tauren Druid Horde 80 with iron belt 2190 Herbalism
Goolakh Orc Warrior Horde 78 with iron belt 880 Blacksmithing Mining
Bilakh Troll Shaman Horde 77 with iron belt 980 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Legendaboyp Tauren Druid Horde 80 with iron belt 700 Leatherworking Skinning
Cojarobie Tauren Warrior Horde 30 with iron belt 170 Alchemy Herbalism
Pettyslam Orc Warrior Horde 65 with iron belt 530 Blacksmithing Engineering
Tinira Undead Priest Horde 26 with iron belt 130 Herbalism Inscription
Oldshamman Troll Shaman Horde 80 with iron belt 2830 Alchemy Herbalism
Blonda Blood Elf Hunter Horde 79 with iron belt 1850 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Kiscsillag Blood Elf Death Knight Horde 80 with iron belt 1150 Blacksmithing Mining
Biggboy Tauren Shaman Horde 11 with iron belt 40 Mining Jewelcrafting
Feetpics Troll Warrior Horde 64 with iron belt 330 Mining Engineering
Drettok Troll Shaman Horde 5 with iron belt 20 Blacksmithing Mining
Mythed Blood Elf Paladin Horde 19 with iron belt 70 Mining Jewelcrafting
Chamanick Orc Shaman Horde 6 with iron belt 0
Jekota Blood Elf Hunter Horde 18 with iron belt 70
Naznia Orc Warlock Horde 45 with iron belt 380 Mining Skinning