10 man
5 Points
Rank 50+
Achievements Completed
 Dances with Oozes (10 player)


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Kulashaker Kings of Death Horde 80 Tauren Druid Restoration 2385
Kratois Kings of Death Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Frost 2595
Khalardoom Kings of Death Horde 80 Tauren Warrior Fury 2810
Odiseoo Kings of Death Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Protection 2075
Herreras sobrevivientes del covid Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Retribution 3380
Hannamontana U n d e r d o g s Horde 80 Tauren Druid Balance 2430
Marsupial Kings of Death Horde 80 Orc Hunter Marksmanship 1745
Skunkcita Kings of Death Horde 80 Undead Warlock Affliction 1620
Camilosexoo Kings of Death Horde 80 Troll Shaman 1095
Kaelxx Kings of Death Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Retribution 3695