Lord Jaraxxus
10 man
3 Points
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Gaent The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Human Priest Shadow 4645
Arkensis The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Night Elf Rogue Combat 2675
Brutalcement The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 1880
Croolin The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Blood 1440
Makyen The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Night Elf Warrior Fury 2680
Motorheadqt The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 9160
Gpyro The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Human Mage 2415
Coudy The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 2090
Darthlukop The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Unholy 2175
Aageroy The Sons of Norris Alliance 80 Draenei Warrior Fury 1725