Emalon the Storm Watcher
10 man
3 Points
Rank 50+
Achievements Completed
 Emalon the Storm Watcher (10 player)


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Nedatigg I Euphoria I Horde 80 Troll Shaman 3690
Crrok I Euphoria I Horde 80 Orc Death Knight Unholy 2755
Picovolepico I Euphoria I Horde 80 Troll Shaman Enhancement 1735
Usmevsad I Euphoria I Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Protection 1640
Shpjelegrace I Euphoria I Horde 80 Blood Elf Priest Shadow 2570
Druidosaurus I Euphoria I Horde 80 Tauren Druid Balance 2410
Youmuuswarr I Euphoria I Horde 80 Troll Warrior Fury 1545
Adnuk I Euphoria I Horde 80 Blood Elf Paladin Holy 1060
Ziinjo I Euphoria I Horde 80 Troll Mage 1215