Instructor Razuvious
10 man
3 Points

Boss defeated after 1 unsuccessful attempts
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Usaki House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 3635
Palajuancha House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Draenei Paladin Holy 1580
Gaboro House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 5910
Ripbiplox Nueva Alianza Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 2745
Dderex House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Unholy 1925
Yyuummii House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 3430
Elsanto House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Dwarf Paladin Protection 2650
Fireash House of Icecrown Alliance 80 Human Mage 1105