Lord Marrowgar
10 man
5 Points
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Disciples GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Human Priest Shadow 2085
Helikat GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 8265
Zelepuga GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 7740
Doramy GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 5575
Allinclusiv GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 4760
Itssohard GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Blood 1820
Squancher GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 3730
Kyskyskys GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 1810
Oldboss GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 1745
Rlx GLORY of UKRAINE Alliance 80 Draenei Hunter Marksmanship 2485