Professor Putricide
25 man , Heroic
10 Points

Boss defeated after 1 unsuccessful attempts
Rank 50+


Name Guild Faction Level Race Class Spec Achievements Points
Panbozsky The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Warlock Affliction 9310
Nicetomeetme The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Restoration 4750
Blain The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Paladin Holy 4730
Odjebalcecky The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 1850
Owlino The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Priest Shadow 1790
Repacck The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Death Knight Blood 1525
Serepanda The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Priest Shadow 5500
Leliannka The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Paladin Retribution 2850
Tlokyqt The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Death Knight Unholy 3560
Rossalitta The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Mage 1245
Tankdmghealx The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Feral Combat 3210
Madrar The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Priest Shadow 2500
Pytheas The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 4540
Howadoorogue The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Rogue Combat 1485
Blacksoulsvk The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Night Elf Druid Balance 1870
Chainercz The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Shaman 3640
Shirru The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 2350
Promik The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Draenei Paladin Retribution 2545
Triu The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Mage 3960
Badvizion The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 2385
Raskolnikov The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship 1615
Hedgewitch The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Warlock Demonology 2740
Eatko The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Paladin Protection 2035
Gisada The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Mage 1920
Ozerocleave The Reincarnate Alliance 80 Human Warrior Fury 1980