Well played
Alliance 2v2 Team, Blackrock
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1404
Season 245 109 / 136 44.5% 1404


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Rctruck P R I E S T S Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 3 6 1127 1499
Yfiem Malevolent Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 22 35 1049 1585
Noshlolxd Maelsttrom Human Mage Alliance Blackrock 9 17 1265 1558
Kelany Guardians of Hungarians Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 6 16 288 1395
Artisanexplo Chill Games Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 0 2 993 1585
Dkwq M A G E S Human Mage Alliance Blackrock 48 113 1371 1688
Losmidrvo GPF Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 7 18 1223 1555
Szurimuri Guardians of Hungarians Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 1 4 48 1365
Chargebs Human Warrior Alliance Blackrock 0 1 0 1448
Nevermindx Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 1 5 1034 1601
Braganzza Captain Nick Fuentes Fanclub Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 109 245 1404 1404
Durrpro Gong Bao Ji Ding Night Elf Priest Alliance Blackrock 2 6 1082 1804
Priestexe Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 10 22 480 1488

Rating History