Level 80 Human Priest, Blackrock
Achievement Points

Match History

Match ID Team Outcome Personal Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29311171 NMSL (2v2) Victory 1048 (+48) May 31 3:08pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29311252 Bleed Points (2v2) Loss 0 (0) May 31 3:13pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29311317 Bleed Points (2v2) Loss 0 (0) May 31 3:16pm 6 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29311466 Bleed Points (2v2) Victory 48 (+48) May 31 3:24pm 59 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29311499 Bleed Points (2v2) Loss 48 (0) May 31 3:26pm 35 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29311523 Bleed Points (2v2) Loss 48 (0) May 31 3:27pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29311604 Bleed Points (2v2) Victory 96 (+48) May 31 3:31pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29311681 Bleed Points (2v2) Victory 144 (+48) May 31 3:34pm 50 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29311704 Bleed Points (2v2) Loss 144 (0) May 31 3:36pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details