Judgytank Fwe
Level 80 Human Paladin, Icecrown
Achievement Points

Match History

Match ID Team Outcome Personal Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29662144 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 19 9:14am 30 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29662158 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 19 9:16am 53 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29662177 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 19 9:19am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29662194 high GS small D (2v2) Victory 48 (+48) June 19 9:21am 8 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29662201 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 48 (0) June 19 9:22am 48 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29662217 high GS small D (2v2) Victory 96 (+48) June 19 9:23am 11 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29662218 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 19 9:24am 5 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29662225 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 19 9:25am 36 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29662244 high GS small D (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 19 9:27am 4 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29662252 high GS small D (2v2) Victory 144 (+48) June 19 9:27am 5 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details