Level 80 Human Paladin, Icecrown
Achievement Points

Match History

Match ID Team Outcome Personal Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29054027 From the sky (2v2) Loss 0 (0) May 17 10:23pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054128 From the sky (2v2) Loss 0 (0) May 17 10:29pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054190 From the sky (2v2) Loss 0 (0) May 17 10:32pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054239 From the sky (2v2) Victory 48 (+48) May 17 10:35pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29054296 From the sky (2v2) Loss 48 (0) May 17 10:38pm 60 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29054337 From the sky (2v2) Loss 48 (0) May 17 10:40pm 48 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054375 From the sky (2v2) Loss 48 (0) May 17 10:43pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054464 From the sky (2v2) Victory 96 (+48) May 17 10:47pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29054540 From the sky (2v2) Loss 96 (0) May 17 10:52pm 22 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29054572 From the sky (2v2) Loss 96 (0) May 17 10:54pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29054629 From the sky (2v2) Victory 144 (+48) May 17 10:57pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29106169 From the sky (2v2) Victory 192 (+48) May 20 5:37pm 2 minutes Dalaran Sewers Details
29106263 From the sky (2v2) Loss 192 (0) May 20 5:41pm 42 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29106313 From the sky (2v2) Victory 240 (+48) May 20 5:44pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29106416 From the sky (2v2) Victory 288 (+48) May 20 5:48pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29106480 From the sky (2v2) Victory 336 (+48) May 20 5:51pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29106550 From the sky (2v2) Loss 336 (0) May 20 5:55pm 7 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29106748 From the sky (2v2) Loss 336 (0) May 20 6:04pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29106816 From the sky (2v2) Loss 336 (0) May 20 6:07pm 26 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29221165 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1048 (+48) May 26 5:30pm 6 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29221180 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1096 (+48) May 26 5:31pm 3 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29221297 full smoke xP (2v2) Loss 1093 (-3) May 26 5:36pm 46 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29221353 full smoke xP (2v2) Loss 1089 (-4) May 26 5:38pm 2 minutes Blade's Edge Arena Details
29221462 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1131 (+42) May 26 5:42pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29221519 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1171 (+40) May 26 5:44pm 3 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29221636 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1205 (+34) May 26 5:49pm 2 minutes Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29221735 full smoke xP (2v2) Victory 1234 (+29) May 26 5:53pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29221802 full smoke xP (2v2) Loss 1230 (-4) May 26 5:55pm 55 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29221857 full smoke xP (2v2) Loss 1224 (-6) May 26 5:58pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29790346 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 25 9:17pm 29 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29790395 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 25 9:19pm 26 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29790445 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 25 9:20pm 38 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29790480 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 25 9:21pm 20 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29790516 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 0 (0) June 25 9:23pm 34 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29790559 NEW one here (2v2) Victory 48 (+48) June 25 9:24pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29790679 NEW one here (2v2) Victory 96 (+48) June 25 9:28pm 29 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29790702 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 25 9:30pm 34 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29790756 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 25 9:31pm 20 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29790796 NEW one here (2v2) Loss 96 (0) June 25 9:33pm 41 seconds Nagrand Arena Details