Warrz notabot
Level 90 Night Elf Warrior, Frostwolf
Achievement Points
Golden Gryphon
Account Bound
Kor'kron Juggernaut
Account Bound
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Level 1
Account Bound
Leaping Hatchling
Level 1
Account Bound
Blackfuse Bombling
Level 1
Account Bound
Obsidian Hatchling
Level 1
Account Bound
White Moth
Level 1
Account Bound
Silver Tabby Cat
Level 1
Account Bound
Black Tabby Cat
Level 1
Account Bound
Blackfuse Bombling
Level 1
Account Bound
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Level 1
Account Bound
Dark Whelpling
Level 1
Account Bound
Obsidian Hatchling
Level 1
Account Bound
Razzashi Hatchling
Level 1
Account Bound
Black Kingsnake
Level 1
Account Bound
Razormaw Hatchling
Level 1
Account Bound