fury spartans
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown

Match History

Match ID Opponent Opponent Realm Outcome Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29637344 Nightmare Blackrock Loss 0 (0) June 18 3:37am 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29637370 Fastskill Icecrown Loss 0 (0) June 18 3:39am 40 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29637387 giveaway free honor Lordaeron Victory 48 (+48) June 18 3:40am 7 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29637389 Pantalones otra vez Icecrown Loss 48 (0) June 18 3:41am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29637415 Fastskill Icecrown Victory 96 (+48) June 18 3:45am 53 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29637436 No bis Icecrown Loss 96 (0) June 18 3:48am 40 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29637449 ipwnedyou Icecrown Victory 144 (+48) June 18 3:50am 7 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29637462 DI MI NOMBRE PERRA Icecrown Loss 144 (0) June 18 3:51am 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29637487 Fastskill Icecrown Loss 144 (0) June 18 3:54am 36 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29637496 DPR Blackrock Loss 144 (0) June 18 3:56am 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details