sherine lovers
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown

Match History

Match ID Opponent Opponent Realm Outcome Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29644337 sadfsadfsad Icecrown Victory 48 (+48) June 18 3:17pm 33 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29644367 littlechicken Icecrown Loss 48 (0) June 18 3:19pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29644432 Policyjny squad Icecrown Victory 96 (+48) June 18 3:21pm 32 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29644461 here we go again Blackrock Loss 96 (0) June 18 3:23pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29644519 go go go Icecrown Victory 144 (+48) June 18 3:25pm 48 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29644563 xyudvadva Icecrown Loss 144 (0) June 18 3:26pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29644622 Kippers diary Icecrown Victory 192 (+48) June 18 3:28pm 22 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29644657 Be gentle Icecrown Victory 240 (+48) June 18 3:30pm 42 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29644705 sbhf Icecrown Victory 288 (+48) June 18 3:31pm 1 minute Dalaran Sewers Details
29644752 patanegra Icecrown Victory 336 (+48) June 18 3:33pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29644885 Good DuDu IIl Icecrown Victory 384 (+48) June 18 3:37pm 60 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29644924 Magebustit Icecrown Victory 432 (+48) June 18 3:40pm 26 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29644969 asdfsadfga Icecrown Victory 480 (+48) June 18 3:41pm 28 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29645005 xyudvadva Icecrown Victory 528 (+48) June 18 3:42pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details
29645074 sbhf Icecrown Victory 576 (+48) June 18 3:45pm 1 minute Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29645115 clay Icecrown Loss 576 (0) June 18 3:47pm 1 minute Blade's Edge Arena Details