Level 80 Blood Elf Mage, Lordaeron
Achievement Points

Character Stats

Damage: 412 - 754
Power: 33
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 12.29%
Critical: 27.3%

Strength: 43
Agility: 55
Intellect: 1653
Stamina: 1309
Spirit: 496
Expertise: 0
Damage: 603 - 1115
Power: 45
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 12.29%
Critical: 27.3%

Armor: 2323
Dodge: 4.6%
Parry: 0%
Block: 0%
Resilience: 0
Power: 3122
Healing: 3122
Haste: 24.03%
Hit rating: 15.36%
Critical: 0%

Arcane: 0
Fire: 0
Nature: 0
Frost: 0
Shadow: 0


Arcane 57 / 3 / 11
Fire 20 / 51 / 0

Player vs Player

Total Kills 2451
Kills Today 0


Tailoring 450 / 450
Enchanting 450 / 450

Secondary Skills

First Aid 442 / 450
Cooking 450 / 450
Fishing 450 / 450

Recent Activity

Earned Portal Jockey (25 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Archavon the Stone Watcher (25 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Emalon the Storm Watcher (25 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Koralon the Flame Watcher (25 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Ice Mammoth achievement 4 years ago
Earned The Crimson Hall (10 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned The Orb Whisperer (10 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned The Frostwing Halls (10 player) achievement 4 years ago