Level 80 Blood Elf Paladin, Icecrown
Item name Amount
Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy 1
Icecrown Glacial Wall 1
Blightborne Warplate 1
Legguards of Lost Hope 1
Belt of Broken Bones 1
Taldaram's Plated Fists 1
Bracers of Dark Reckoning 1
Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons 1
Bile-Encrusted Medallion 1
Corpse Tongue Coin 1
Corroded Skeleton Key 1
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 1
Royal Crimson Cloak 1
Boots of Kingly Upheaval 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification 1
Sanctified Lightsworn Faceguard 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification 1
Juggernaut Band 1
Abomination's Bloody Ring 1
Sentinel's Winter Cloak 1
Libram of the Eternal Tower 1
Armageddon 1
Rigormortis 1
Bulwark of Smouldering Steel 1
Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Salvation 1
Wrathful Gladiator's Bracers of Salvation 1
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves 1
Ring of Rapid Ascent 1
Libram of Blinding Light 1
Meteorite Crystal 1
Sunreaver Tabard 1
Tabard of Frost 1
Tabard of Summer Flames 1
Tabard of Summer Skies 1
Precious's Ribbon 1
Preserved Holly 13
Lovely Red Dress 1
Lovely Black Dress 1
Elegant Dress 1
Spring Robes 1
White Tuxedo Shirt 1
Black Tuxedo Pants 1
Spring Circlet 1
Egg Basket 1
Spring Flowers 1
Happy Fun Rock 3
Elder's Moonstone 1
Heavy Leather Ball 1
Super Simian Sphere 1
The Horseman's Horrific Helm 1
The Horseman's Baleful Blade 1
Gladiator's Greatsword 1
Drillborer Disk 1
Goblin Transponder 1
Light's Vengeance 1
Filled Green Brewfest Stein 1
Happy Fun Rock 3
Chef's Hat 1
Tiny Blue Ragdoll 1
Worn Troll Dice 1
Forever-Lovely Rose 1
Green Winter Hat 1
Snowball 6
Winter Veil Disguise Kit 1
Red Winter Hat 1
Green Holiday Shirt 1
Green Winter Clothes 1
Red Winter Clothes 1
Winter Boots 1
Sen'jin Tabard 1
Tabard of the Explorer 1
Undercity Tabard 1
Orgrimmar Tabard 1
Guild Tabard 1
Skyguard Tabard 1
Thrallmar Tabard 1
Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord 1
Thunder Bluff Tabard 1
Silvermoon City Tabard 1
Refined Gleaming Ore 1
Gnomish Army Knife 1
Tabard of the Defender 1
Argent Crusader's Tabard 1
Tabard of the Argent Crusade 1
Small Red Rocket 20
Small Green Rocket 20
Small Blue Rocket 20