Kinkypinky Vindictive
Level 80 Gnome Rogue, Icecrown
Achievement Points

Character Stats

Damage: 1131 - 1332
Power: 2600
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 11.5%
Critical: 51.55%

Strength: 165
Agility: 2295
Intellect: 108
Stamina: 2061
Spirit: 204
Expertise: 19
Damage: 2166 - 2468
Power: 2365
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 11.5%
Critical: 51.55%

Armor: 9519
Dodge: 40.13%
Parry: 5%
Block: 0%
Resilience: 0
Power: 0
Healing: 0
Haste: 6.71%
Hit rating: 14.37%
Critical: 0%

Arcane: 54
Fire: 54
Nature: 54
Frost: 54
Shadow: 54


Combat 20 / 51 / 0
Subtlety 12 / 3 / 56

Player vs Player

Total Kills 4310
Kills Today 0


Engineering 409 / 450
Jewelcrafting 450 / 450

Secondary Skills

First Aid 411 / 450
Cooking 450 / 450

Recent Activity

Earned Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (25 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned Just Can't Get Enough (25 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned The Fall of Naxxramas (10 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned Just Can't Get Enough (10 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned Kel'Thuzad's Defeat (10 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned Sapphiron's Demise (10 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned The Military Quarter (10 player) achievement 2 years ago
Earned The Plague Quarter (10 player) achievement 2 years ago