Item name | Amount |
Hearthstone | 1 |
Dark Iron Residue | 5 |
Unyielding Battle Horn | 1 |
Liferoot | 20 |
Zezzak's Shard | 1 |
Major Mana Potion | 3 |
Deep Peridot | 1 |
Mote of Life | 3 |
Major Healing Potion | 3 |
Superior Healing Potion | 8 |
Sacred Candle | 9 |
Sacred Candle | 20 |
Mote of Shadow | 2 |
Sacred Candle | 20 |
Pungent Seal Whey | 20 |
Pungent Seal Whey | 20 |
Runecloth | 3 |
Super Healing Potion | 8 |
Pungent Seal Whey | 20 |
Vrykul Weapon | 5 |
Plain Letter | 1 |
Ingvar's Head | 1 |
Pungent Seal Whey | 2 |
The Relics of Terokk | 1 |
Plain Letter | 1 |
Spirit Shard | 4 |
Super Mana Potion | 2 |
Item name | Amount |
Bruiseweed | 2 |
Mageweave Cloth | 8 |
Khadgar's Whisker | 1 |
Kingsblood | 8 |
Runecloth | 15 |
Gromsblood | 2 |
Silverleaf | 3 |
Purple Lotus | 2 |
Liferoot | 1 |
Fadeleaf | 6 |
Goldthorn | 2 |
Blood Garnet | 1 |
Savage Frond | 10 |
Item name | Amount |
Honor Points | 11 |
Arena Points | 0 |
Relic Coffer Key | 1 |
Ethereum Prison Key | 1 |
Stone Keeper's Shard | 8 |
Emblem of Triumph | 6 |