Level 80 Orc Warrior, Lordaeron
Achievement Points

Character Stats

Damage: 2475 - 2892
Power: 4478
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 5.09%
Critical: 58.38%

Strength: 2129
Agility: 958
Intellect: 99
Stamina: 2467
Spirit: 129
Expertise: 28
Damage: 1134 - 1368
Power: 1028
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 5.09%
Critical: 37.42%

Armor: 16150
Dodge: 14.34%
Parry: 5%
Block: 5%
Resilience: 0
Power: 0
Healing: 0
Haste: 2.26%
Hit rating: 6.37%
Critical: 0%

Arcane: 54
Fire: 54
Nature: 54
Frost: 54
Shadow: 54


Protection 15 / 3 / 53
Fury 18 / 53 / 0

Player vs Player

Total Kills 1610
Kills Today 0


Engineering 431 / 450
Jewelcrafting 450 / 450

Secondary Skills

First Aid 450 / 450
Cooking 450 / 450
Fishing 94 / 150

Recent Activity

Earned Besting the Black Dragonflight (10 player) achievement 3 years ago
Earned Koralon the Flame Watcher (10 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Magtheridon's Lair achievement 5 years ago
Earned 100 Fish achievement 5 years ago
Earned Not One, But Two Jormungars (10 player) achievement 5 years ago
Earned Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (25 player) achievement 5 years ago
Earned Heroic: The Crimson Hall (25 player) achievement 5 years ago
Earned Lockdown! achievement 5 years ago