Level 80 Blood Elf Paladin, Icecrown
Achievement Points

Character Stats

Damage: 2595 - 3087
Power: 4552
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 4.45%
Critical: 38.5%

Strength: 2166
Agility: 251
Intellect: 138
Stamina: 2389
Spirit: 135
Expertise: 7
Damage: 171 - 172
Power: 241
Speed: 0
Hit rating: 4.45%
Critical: 22.5%

Armor: 15073
Dodge: 7.72%
Parry: 5%
Block: 5%
Resilience: 703
Power: 1630
Healing: 1630
Haste: 3.11%
Hit rating: 5.57%
Critical: 0%

Arcane: 0
Fire: 0
Nature: 0
Frost: 0
Shadow: 0


Retribution 11 / 5 / 55
Holy 51 / 5 / 15

Player vs Player

Total Kills 2839
Kills Today 2


Mining 450 / 450
Engineering 450 / 450

Secondary Skills

First Aid 450 / 450
Cooking 450 / 450
Fishing 450 / 450

Recent Activity

Earned 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards achievement 6 months ago
Earned A Void Dance achievement 7 months ago
Earned Doesn't Go to Eleven achievement 2 years ago
Earned 1500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems achievement 2 years ago
Earned Wailing Caverns achievement 4 years ago
Earned Heroic: Storming the Citadel (10 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Dances with Oozes (10 player) achievement 4 years ago
Earned Heroic: The Crimson Hall (25 player) achievement 4 years ago