Guardian of the Alliance
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 9 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Poissonburst Captain Human Rogue Alliance 80 Guild Master 1950 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Asuil Human Mage Alliance 80 Guild Master 1320 Mining Engineering
Haton Human Priest Alliance 80 Officer 1215
Pacale Human Warlock Alliance 80 Officer 720 Engineering
Killhelhound Human Rogue Alliance 80 Raid Leader 1275 Engineering
Whillette Human Priest Alliance 80 Raider 1900 Herbalism Jewelcrafting
C_2685562 Human Mage Alliance 80 Test 940 Tailoring Engineering
Pathanien Human Warrior Alliance 80 Test 1170 Tailoring
Enigmaticc Human Priest Alliance 80 Test 2330 Tailoring Enchanting