Raiding With My Gnomies
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 191 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
Halfs Captain Human Priest Alliance 80 Guild Master 5310 Tailoring Engineering
Sylaylas Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Queen 5930 Engineering Enchanting
Admera Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 The Queen 1345 Alchemy Herbalism
Earthsharter Human Paladin Alliance 80 Officer 2495 Skinning
Nuture Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Officer 3065 Herbalism Mining
Julzz Human Paladin Alliance 80 Officer 1840 Blacksmithing Mining
Amyknight Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Officer 2325 Alchemy Herbalism
Leanidas Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Officer 2620 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Zaspira Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Officer 3330 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Thiccsyla Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Veteran 2115 Blacksmithing Mining
Hyisteria Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Veteran 4485 Tailoring Enchanting
Himesama Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Veteran 2045 Alchemy Engineering
Complicate Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Veteran 2225 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Axeshatter Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Veteran 2445 Blacksmithing Engineering
Gedonly Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Veteran 2415 Leatherworking Skinning
Andraesse Draenei Priest Alliance 80 Veteran 3685 Herbalism Skinning
Wiingnutt Human Mage Alliance 80 Veteran 1665 Tailoring Engineering
Datbooty Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 1535
Deathchill Human Warlock Alliance 80 Member 2185 Blacksmithing Tailoring
Aayla Human Mage Alliance 80 Member 3410 Tailoring Enchanting
Progynova Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Member 4500 Tailoring Engineering
Saginata Human Warlock Alliance 80 Member 2290 Tailoring Enchanting
Kheultus Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 1330 Alchemy Herbalism
Panasonics Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 2210 Mining Jewelcrafting
Karistaa Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 2035 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Healsforbeer Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Member 1795 Alchemy Herbalism
Deadkwnight Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Member 2475
Cumshatter Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 790
Moonwolfie Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 950 Mining Jewelcrafting
Atelia Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1770 Blacksmithing Mining
Asustaps Human Warlock Alliance 80 Member 1425
Graineglacee Human Mage Alliance 80 Member 650 Tailoring Enchanting
Borghor Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Member 1405 Mining Engineering
Obsidion Dwarf Death Knight Alliance 80 Member 1945 Alchemy Herbalism
Martydoc Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1565 Blacksmithing
Talontedx Human Warrior Alliance 80 Member 2010 Mining Engineering
Stalashas Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Member 1470 Mining Engineering
Holyyhell Human Paladin Alliance 80 Member 250
Tkleaf Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Member 1880 Mining Skinning
Myroliara Draenei Paladin Alliance 31 Member 170 Mining Engineering
Maveranna Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Delo Moment 1075 Engineering
Ermagheerd Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 3160 Mining Engineering
Darthmysts Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 2255 Blacksmithing
Absolute Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1280 Herbalism Inscription
Mysticknight Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 3015 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Mystics Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2475 Alchemy Jewelcrafting
Dedicate Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1905 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Apologizes Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 2520 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Dedication Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 370
Sussybacka Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 2895 Alchemy Herbalism
Malos Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 1390 Mining Engineering
Embracement Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1240 Leatherworking Skinning
Vatizzle Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 435 Tailoring Enchanting
Khaoskontrol Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 915 Tailoring Enchanting
Imma Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 2465 Leatherworking Skinning
Elley Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 400 Leatherworking Skinning
Jaxceni Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 240
Dkui Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1655 Tailoring Engineering
Justiceraged Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 1685 Leatherworking Skinning
Ohohem Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2185 Skinning
Necrolich Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 2630 Blacksmithing Mining
Brodoswaggin Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 2510 Mining Jewelcrafting
Mikeropinez Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 1785
Bornstar Human Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1620 Tailoring Engineering
Vladilena Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2300 Herbalism Inscription
Mysticsnight Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 4270 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Stabins Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 1085 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Vsrc Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 1980 Alchemy Herbalism
Consumption Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Alt 2145 Mining Tailoring
Patmicucci Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1180 Herbalism Mining
Devirginiser Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 1400 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Weederful Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 3280 Leatherworking Skinning
Jancilynn Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 2535 Mining Engineering
Mudkipp Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1460 Tailoring Engineering
Hawkshead Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2235 Tailoring Jewelcrafting
Moonsight Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1375 Herbalism Mining
Dracohaunter Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 1745
Ebolamancer Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1495
Clataria Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Alt 740 Herbalism Inscription
Asharay Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 710 Leatherworking Skinning
Asmiral Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 2045 Alchemy Herbalism
Belatricks Human Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 2895 Tailoring Enchanting
Darksarah Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2050 Tailoring Engineering
Bigtgirl Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 1115
Halfdozen Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 1665
Travelocity Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1100
Halfhunt Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 1720 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Halfhero Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1030
Halfslayer Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 930
Tannenbaum Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 2375 Herbalism Mining
Halfszafa Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 770
Halfdosen Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 2010 Blacksmithing Jewelcrafting
Reallawrence Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1600 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Delosvivos Dwarf Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 1070 Blacksmithing Enchanting
Rafall Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 2275 Tailoring
Powdr Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 250
Nickyknight Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 360
Zzanrael Human Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 590 Tailoring Enchanting
Zanici Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 2465 Mining Jewelcrafting
Delosmuertos Dwarf Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1120 Alchemy Inscription
Ufgood Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1260 Tailoring Enchanting
Wattadic Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 865 Leatherworking Skinning
Pineshield Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 1075 Enchanting Skinning
Fatalknight Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1170
Cinnabonbon Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 505
Halfdozens Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 1870 Leatherworking Jewelcrafting
Vladymyr Human Rogue Alliance 65 Alt 360 Leatherworking Skinning
Daeneyrs Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 2680 Tailoring Enchanting
Macsharter Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 1810 Herbalism Mining
Wherebubble Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 490 Mining Jewelcrafting
Laenidas Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 2580 Herbalism Inscription
Morgotth Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1020 Alchemy Herbalism
Anfrit Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 360
Morrioghain Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 895
Sylannia Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 64 Alt 130
Gabra Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1220 Tailoring Enchanting
Bigtex Human Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 1415
Lunaknight Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 840 Leatherworking Skinning
Mellonn Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1375 Enchanting
Saintazis Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 1730 Mining Skinning
Baramecha Human Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 1020 Enchanting
Shingle Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 835 Mining
Lukmak Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1100 Alchemy Herbalism
Frankenfine Gnome Warlock Alliance 58 Alt 140
Bluenor Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 2790 Mining Skinning
Aveshatter Human Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 180
Floodwrac Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1585 Herbalism Engineering
Zaybal Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 1280 Engineering
Thiccflames Human Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1250 Herbalism Inscription
Bruenar Dwarf Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 1900 Mining Skinning
Raffall Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 1275
Mufasaa Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 2640 Enchanting Skinning
Snipyknight Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 920
Pyromysts Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 830 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Sylviiee Gnome Mage Alliance 47 Alt 60
Sylvanniaa Gnome Warlock Alliance 27 Alt 40
Doogle Gnome Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 1095 Blacksmithing Mining
Lokeros Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1570 Herbalism
Sylanniaa Human Death Knight Alliance 72 Alt 160
Zoltan Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1460 Mining Jewelcrafting
Somethingels Night Elf Warrior Alliance 73 Alt 200
Wiggles Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Alt 360 Tailoring Skinning
Halibub Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Alt 310
Dingnut Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 360 Skinning
Huffie Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 2095 Engineering Skinning
Ronaros Human Warlock Alliance 77 Alt 290
Goombuh Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Alt 1705 Alchemy Herbalism
Lorias Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 675
Akinas Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Alt 1025 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Talontless Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 450 Engineering
Raffman Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 1130
Korimi Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Alt 1175 Herbalism
Complicating Night Elf Druid Alliance 75 Alt 270
Ninetailsfox Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Alt 810 Leatherworking
Thiccthyes Draenei Death Knight Alliance 80 Alt 280
Leafkun Draenei Mage Alliance 80 Alt 350 Alchemy Enchanting
Rafwar Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 990
Rafrog Human Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 600
Rafpriest Human Priest Alliance 80 Alt 965
Mysticsdawn Human Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 350 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Gavol Dwarf Paladin Alliance 80 Alt 645 Mining Enchanting
Shadowmyst Human Rogue Alliance 30 Alt 80
Grodri Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Alt 290 Leatherworking Skinning
Uncletouchy Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Alt 865 Engineering
Gwina Human Warrior Alliance 80 Alt 430
Zephalia Draenei Mage Alliance 26 Alt 130 Alchemy Herbalism
Zylera Night Elf Hunter Alliance 28 Alt 190 Leatherworking Skinning
Eternalangel Draenei Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1460 Mining Jewelcrafting
Retrono Human Warlock Alliance 80 Initiate 2180 Tailoring
Strelocka Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Initiate 2195 Skinning
Shaddo Human Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 1825 Alchemy Herbalism
Mialynn Human Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 1350 Tailoring Engineering
Lunamun Human Priest Alliance 80 Initiate 2440 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Naevies Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Initiate 1520 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Ejnar Dwarf Warrior Alliance 52 Initiate 200 Blacksmithing
Cryztlize Night Elf Death Knight Alliance 80 Initiate 1640 Engineering Jewelcrafting
Sonton Human Priest Alliance 69 Initiate 220
Falsard Night Elf Rogue Alliance 80 Initiate 1555 Leatherworking Skinning
Arrnie Gnome Mage Alliance 74 Initiate 360 Tailoring Enchanting
Rsidex Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 2070 Mining Engineering
Playboiziza Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Initiate 505 Leatherworking Skinning
Birdnip Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Initiate 1215 Mining Tailoring
Plaggadhin Human Paladin Alliance 80 Initiate 1480 Enchanting Jewelcrafting
Twinksham Draenei Shaman Alliance 79 Initiate 320
Plab Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 2835 Engineering Skinning
Huntingnips Draenei Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 825 Leatherworking Skinning
Hippain Human Warrior Alliance 80 Initiate 940 Blacksmithing
Ypioka Dwarf Hunter Alliance 80 Initiate 1200 Mining Engineering
Angree Human Warrior Alliance 42 Initiate 100 Blacksmithing Mining
Drewss Human Warrior Alliance 37 Initiate 60
Brandonnova Night Elf Hunter Alliance 21 Initiate 70 Blacksmithing