The Greeters
Alliance Guild, Icecrown, 21 members
PVE Points


Name Race Class Faction Level Rank Achievements Points Professions
C_7807449 Captain Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 The Greeter 1585 Leatherworking Skinning
C_8874470 Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Sunshine Muffin 935 Tailoring
C_8940412 Night Elf Druid Alliance 80 Sunshine Muffin 1275 Engineering
C_7860820 Gnome Rogue Alliance 60 Magtruth 220
C_7877262 Human Mage Alliance 80 Magtruth 1240 Alchemy Herbalism
C_7935855 Draenei Shaman Alliance 80 Magtruth 400 Mining Engineering
C_8665073 Human Death Knight Alliance 80 Magtruth 1510 Engineering Jewelcrafting
C_8671333 Dwarf Paladin Alliance 1 Magtruth 0
C_8682507 Night Elf Hunter Alliance 80 Magtruth 330 Herbalism Inscription
C_8701614 Gnome Warlock Alliance 80 Magtruth 370
C_8720640 Human Priest Alliance 64 Magtruth 200 Enchanting
C_8720657 Human Paladin Alliance 80 Magtruth 3280 Engineering Jewelcrafting
C_8729550 Dwarf Paladin Alliance 80 Magtruth 1165 Herbalism Mining
C_8751737 Gnome Mage Alliance 80 Magtruth 1545 Tailoring Engineering
C_8751751 Night Elf Priest Alliance 80 Magtruth 2165 Blacksmithing Inscription
C_8930821 Human Rogue Alliance 80 Magtruth 600 Alchemy
C_9255884 Human Warlock Alliance 80 Magtruth 1165 Enchanting
C_9307237 Draenei Warrior Alliance 80 Magtruth 680 Blacksmithing Engineering
C_7807353 Human Paladin Alliance 80 SantosBonnaci 1625 Blacksmithing Mining
C_8751747 Night Elf Warrior Alliance 80 SantosBonnaci 600
C_8701548 Human Rogue Alliance 1 Joe Rogan 0