Never Skip Leg Day
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 27 14 / 13 51.9% 1595
Season 156 83 / 73 53.2% 1595


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Fenris Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 4 6 1180 1593
Diabolicalz Captain The Valuable Player Night Elf Priest Alliance Icecrown 0 1 998 1653
Monsterdps Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 2 5 1088 1682
Snifbro Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 25 43 1179 1568
Gladine The Valuable Player Human Paladin Alliance Icecrown 83 155 1606 1630
Cutedmg The Valuable Player Human Warlock Alliance Icecrown 1 1 1048 1485
Frozentearss The Valuable Player Night Elf Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 40 80 1531 1574
Hatefull Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 11 21 1351 1784

Rating History