Rave Culture
Horde 3v3 Team, Onyxia
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 51 32 / 19 62.7% 1803
Season 279 156 / 123 55.9% 1803


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Insomniaq Self Improvement Undead Priest Horde Onyxia 85 146 1793 1799
Maslow Captain tyranny Troll Hunter Horde Onyxia 156 279 1813 1804
Valiumchik The Grapes of Wrath Undead Rogue Horde Onyxia 75 137 1800 1804
Tencent Espada Orc Shaman Horde Onyxia 5 17 1491 1614

Rating History