Rekt Penance
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1564
Season 240 124 / 116 51.7% 1564


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Holyfooly The Valuable Player Night Elf Priest Alliance Icecrown 7 14 1256 1616
Holyjess Wicked PvP Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 19 35 1446 1646
Rapidollx F A T A L I T Y Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 6 8 288 1651
Shadowspeel Phoenix Squad Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 0 2 997 1609
Casiopea I N V I N C I B L E Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 4 12 1171 1780
Shatterlolqt Arena Tournament X Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 3 5 1140 1597
Izvergat Captain PriestGuild Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 16 34 1362 1512
Shadowflames The Valuable Player Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 0 0 1000 1692
Xplosiveheal The Valuable Player Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 21 37 1458 1676
Huruu The Valuable Player Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 18 36 855 1568
Popelove Ender Save You Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 3 12 1113 1574
Pouncie The Valuable Player Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 124 240 1564 1804
Liyito final exit Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 27 45 1535 1693

Rating History