Alliance 2v2 Team, Blackrock
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 8 4 / 4 50% 1171
Season 42 25 / 17 59.5% 1171


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Tilbuinn Human Mage Alliance Blackrock 6 8 288 1696
Peterbot Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 5 8 240 1549
Missfrance FRENCH CROISSANT Night Elf Hunter Alliance Blackrock 1 2 48 1487
Globa Les Fous Furieux Night Elf Hunter Alliance Blackrock 0 0 0 1561
Widux Guardians of Hungarians Human Mage Alliance Blackrock 4 7 192 1522
Irralys Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 1 2 48 1479
Ravvz Theatre of Dreams Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 4 8 1169 1512
Bullhoezerx Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 4 7 192 1573
Burnyouhard Captain Nick Fuentes Fanclub Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 25 42 1171 1608

Rating History