a tope
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 18 9 / 9 50% 1507
Season 176 81 / 95 46% 1507


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Ezwhynot The Sons of Norris Human Paladin Alliance Icecrown 6 7 1241 1599
Belsoniel La Escuelita Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 62 130 1467 1507
Zurupap ALIANZA CANNABICA Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 5 14 240 1449
Karoylyne Captain Human Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 65 132 1485 1518
Vondiehl Reported Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 2 10 96 1343
Carover La Escuelita Human Mage Alliance Icecrown 16 44 764 1276
Raixer ALIANZA CANNABICA Draenei Shaman Alliance Icecrown 6 15 288 1257

Rating History