Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown

Match History

Match ID Opponent Opponent Realm Outcome Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29884709 debug two Icecrown Victory 48 (+48) July 01 12:23pm 7 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29884714 swfe Blackrock Loss 48 (0) July 01 12:24pm 3 minutes Nagrand Arena Details
29884764 BLSB Icecrown Victory 96 (+48) July 01 12:29pm 26 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29884773 Fear resist Icecrown Loss 96 (0) July 01 12:30pm 16 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29884784 BLSB Icecrown Victory 144 (+48) July 01 12:30pm 21 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29884792 Metal Militia Icecrown Loss 144 (0) July 01 12:32pm 24 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29884812 Saiyan Icecrown Loss 144 (0) July 01 12:33pm 36 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29884831 adgfvc Icecrown Loss 144 (0) July 01 12:35pm 29 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29884850 Saiyan Icecrown Loss 144 (0) July 01 12:37pm 28 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29884872 Fck Hamas Icecrown Victory 192 (+48) July 01 12:39pm 8 seconds Nagrand Arena Details