fast bro
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 5 2 / 3 40% 1686
Season 474 242 / 232 51.1% 1686


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Narvis Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 29 51 1508 1632
Trashrogue Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 1 4 1041 1596
Whisper Obliterate Human Warlock Alliance Icecrown 36 66 1560 1613
Purgexlol Taken Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 1 2 1045 1459
Loltwnobyzxd Taken Draenei Shaman Alliance Icecrown 1 6 1034 1531
Porcamado Uan Mor Trai Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 8 18 1259 1501
Unknownwarx Arena Tournament X Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 1 2 1047 1810
Hormone dot com Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 1 1 1048 1783
Yvh Human Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 16 25 1414 1600
Archidisco The Nightfall Syndicate Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 2 3 1094 1565
Yoimblazin Joy Division Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 1 3 1045 1710
Androboliyc F A T A L I T Y Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 4 6 1174 1551
Crystalsap Arena Tournament X Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 9 13 1299 1739
Fastnutz Undead Rogue Horde Icecrown 10 22 1281 1492
Sledeca Edora Night Elf Rogue Alliance Icecrown 1 3 1043 1665
Chronomancer Unmerciful Troll Mage Horde Icecrown 87 159 1669 1695
Rashidaka Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 19 36 1421 1561
Twokgs Muted Draenei Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 0 0 1000 1500
Illidanst G A N T Z Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 7 17 1249 1617
Cctwo Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 0 2 996 1482
Bllondy Arena Tournament X Human Paladin Alliance Icecrown 7 15 1275 1759
Velparito Red Dawn Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 5 16 1172 1578
Peykos M a v i V a T a N Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 18 31 1388 1533
Arturitouwu II WARBRINGERS II Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 1 3 1045 1457
Iamnobsorry Draenei Shaman Alliance Icecrown 0 1 997 1488
Xzyt Muted Human Mage Alliance Icecrown 186 374 1557 1577
Skaarrlett Night Elf Hunter Alliance Icecrown 5 9 1217 1660
Tamahomixx Human Paladin Alliance Icecrown 0 3 993 1507
Darkush ALIANZA CANNABICA Human Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 1 2 48 1338
Abstinenciq We flip a lil Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 3 7 1128 1539
Gwemwen Dwarf Paladin Alliance Icecrown 0 0 1000 1521
Neifyfaen Captain The Valuable Player Draenei Shaman Alliance Icecrown 18 31 1476 1600
Zigigodsman Sponsored By Hogger Human Paladin Alliance Icecrown 1 3 1042 1492
Valkalh We flip a lil Human Priest Alliance Icecrown 0 1 998 1558
Denkiller L I G A Human Death Knight Alliance Icecrown 0 2 995 1419
Lyzolda Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 5 11 1192 1481

Rating History