Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0% 1717
Season 162 89 / 73 54.9% 1717


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Runemourne The Predators Orc Death Knight Horde Icecrown 6 10 1241 1562
Typhos Edora Draenei Hunter Alliance Icecrown 46 87 1534 1907
Ninemmglock ZUL DRAK PROTECTOR Human Rogue Alliance Icecrown 20 35 1512 1823
Xoxobaby Human Mage Alliance Icecrown 0 2 0 1492
Skillmagic Wicked PvP Human Warlock Alliance Icecrown 4 5 1183 1636
Ovsiuru Edora Human Warlock Alliance Icecrown 54 100 1579 1905
Pingwing Captain Edora Night Elf Druid Alliance Icecrown 43 75 1663 1719
Unlimlted Millions of power Human Warrior Alliance Icecrown 5 10 1205 1515

Rating History