sholazar basin
Alliance 2v2 Team, Icecrown

Match History

Match ID Opponent Opponent Realm Outcome Rating Start Time Duration Map Details
29894903 Titanes Fractales Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 9:53pm 38 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29894951 two vs twox Blackrock Loss 0 (0) July 01 9:56pm 20 seconds Dalaran Sewers Details
29894973 Saiyan Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 9:57pm 44 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29895001 destroo Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 9:59pm 20 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29895020 BEASTS Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 10:00pm 48 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details
29895055 ya hochy kakatb Blackrock Loss 0 (0) July 01 10:02pm 34 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29895085 demons and kitties Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 10:04pm 1 minute Nagrand Arena Details
29895130 Roguess Icecrown Loss 0 (0) July 01 10:07pm 37 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29895165 Hassoni Blackrock Loss 0 (0) July 01 10:09pm 24 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29895183 creeps Icecrown Victory 48 (+48) July 01 10:11pm 20 seconds Nagrand Arena Details
29895214 demons and kitties Icecrown Loss 48 (0) July 01 10:12pm 58 seconds Ruins of Lordaeron Details
29895242 Crogge Server Icecrown Victory 96 (+48) July 01 10:15pm 60 seconds Blade's Edge Arena Details