Alliance 2v2 Team, Blackrock
Games Wins / Loss Win % Team Rating
Week 121 64 / 57 52.9% 1561
Season 121 64 / 57 52.9% 1561


Name Guild Race Class Faction Realm Wins Games P-Rating MMR
Megaheal Bend the Knee Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 6 9 1243 1576
Trickytruck Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 17 34 1391 1550
Lollimoly Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 31 53 1320 1604
Kenndymanxx Guardians of Hungarians Human Priest Alliance Blackrock 5 12 1215 1689
Nobodyreally Captain GPF Human Rogue Alliance Blackrock 64 121 1561 1625
Evertrol Draenei Shaman Alliance Blackrock 5 11 1202 1507
Saelsia Night Elf Druid Alliance Blackrock 0 2 996 1482

Rating History